Office Printer Hacks




While we hope you look to us for all your professional printing needs, here are a few helpful tips to save money on your daily print jobs:



  • Choose your fonts wisely. According to data from, different fonts use different amounts of ink to print. Here’s a tip: Century Gothic delivered a 31 percent savings in your inkjet and toner cartridge printing costs over Arial.
  • Print your documents in grayscale (black and white) to ensure your document is printed using the black cartridge only and not your color cartridges. Your document will print faster with nearly half the ink.
  • Always use print preview to save time and avoid annoying reprints. If you have issues with line breaks, page breaks, placement of graphics, etc., convert your document to a PDF file and print from Acrobat.
  • Change your default resolution setting. Most high-quality printers default to 600DPI or higher, which can waste a lot of ink. Lower your settings to save on ink and printing speed.
  • When you get a low toner alert, remove it and shake it over a garbage can to loosen up the powder and extend the life of your cartridge.
  • Beware of buying cheap bargain paper, which is often not cut evenly, and can cause printer jams and has a lot of dust which can build up and create issues with your printer.
  • Never let a printer (or ink cartridge) sit in a hot or cold car all day. If you must transport them long distances, take your ink cartridges out and store them in a sealed bag.
  • Clean and dust your printer often and keep out of direct sunlight. Also keep them away from heat sources like a furnace or radiator. You may also consider using a humidifier in the room with the printer if your home or office has low humidity.

If you let us help with your important printing projects, we’ll guarantee quality that is sure to make your office printer jealous.



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