The Volume Advantage

07 Vlum.jpgThe more you print, the better the price can be per piece. That can have its advantages in many situations. Planning your marketing for the entire year, or even just a season, will save you in dollars and time.

Plenty on Hand
Those pieces that don’t change throughout the year and go out the door in high volume are perfect to print in larger quantities. You will always have these pieces in stock and can fill your orders or fulfill your mailings with ease.

Lower Costs
For flyers, brochures, postcards, and other things that use full-color print, the more you print, the lower the cost per piece. This kind of “discount” pricing is beneficial for planning longer term or for larger-volume projects.

Quick Turnaround
Short-run options may be more advantageous when looking at either smaller volumes or quicker turnarounds. Sometimes convenience is more important than cost.
No matter what you plan for or what your budget is, there is a print-volume solution that will fit the size of your wallet. Call us today to discuss your next printing project 856.429.0715.

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